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November 2024

Outstanding bonds

Magnolia Bostad had three bonds that are all green, unsecured and listed on Nasdaq Stockholm's Sustainable Bonds list.

  • One bond of a nominal SEK 200 m within a framework of SEK 550 m, with a variable interest rate of Stibor 3m + 7.50% (with a Stibor floor) maturing in March 2025. Terms and conditions were changed in November 2024, see press release 11 and 28 November 2024.
  • One bond of a nominal SEK 725 m within a framework of SEK 1,000 m, with a variable interest rate of Stibor 3m + 6.90% (with a Stibor floor) maturing in March 2025.
  • One bond of a nominal SEK 300 m within a framework of SEK 1,500 m, with a variable interest rate of Stibor 3m + 7.75 % (with a Stibor floor) maturing in May 2026. 

Magnolia Bostad reports annually in the Green Bond Report how the company has used the funds from the green bonds. Magnolia Bostad's auditor, EY, has made a limited assurance as to the allocation of proceeds in the report.


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