Magnolia Bostad
- calculates climate impact in projects and assesses climate risks before the start-up of new housing
- adapts the development of new housing to climate
- change and works on reducing climate impact
- plans for environmental certification in all projects
- carries out environmental audits through an external environmental auditor
- takes biodiversity and ecosystems into account
- is involved in development to achieve a greater
- share of the circular economy
- plans so that residents can easily make climate-smart choices in their homes.
Through our green bonds, we increase transparency and facilitate the allocation of capital for sustainable properties.
Magnolia Bostad´s Green Bonds
Science-based target
Magnolia Bostad has a science-based climate target, in line with the Paris Agreement, for small and medium-sized companies. The SBTi target option for SMEs with fewer than 500 employees involves setting the science-based target for scope 1 and 2 emissions through predefined target options. For scope 3, companies are required to commit to measuring and reducing their emissions. Magnolia Bostad's commitment is to reduce scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions 38 percent by 2030 from a 2021 base year, and to measure and reduce its scope 3 emissions. Magnolia Bostad's emissions in the base year 2021 for scope 1 and scope 2 together were 284.6 tCo2e, the emissions for 2023 for scope 1 and scope 2 were 76.31 tCo2e. For a complete picture and scope 3 emissions, see Magnolia Bostad's annual report for 2023, page 91