Magnolia Bostad

  • works for a climate of cooperation without corruption
  • works to achieve sustainable profitable growth
  • enables the allocation of capital to sustainable properties through our green bonds, see page 96
  • have routines for how we work with business ethics and how we handle deviations from our guidelines and processes
  • has an Ethics Council

Business ethics
For us, business ethics is about clear accountability, having control over our operations and value chain, having procedures in place for how we work on business ethics and how we deal with deviations from our guidelines and processes. Business ethics are important to our employees, management and the board, but also to partners and suppliers throughout the value chain. The Board sets the company’s sustainability direction with input from the management team and the Head of Sustainability and determines policies for the company’s operations. The CEO and the management team decide on guidelines and various activities linked to the adopted sustainability policy. The Head of Sustainability works strategically on sustainability in governance, the business plan, integration in operations and business, risk management, targets and reporting. The Green Bond Committee (which includes the CFO, COO/Head of Legal and Head of Sustainability) decides on issues related to sustainable financing. Legal ensures good order and procedures related to business ethics. To manage whistleblowing cases, the company has set up an Ethics Council which includes the CFO and COO/Head of Legal. The company’s Health and Safety Committee oversees the company’s health and safety issues, chaired by the general counsel and including the HR manager, safety representative and employee representative.

Governing documents:
-Codes of conduct for employees, partners and sponsorship.
-Sustainability policy 
-Anti-harassment guidelines
-Guidelines against discriminatory treatment
-Checklist against harassment and discriminatory treatment
-Contracts and agreements

Code of conduct
The code of conduct contains the guidelines and requirements Magnolia Bostad places on all employees and business partners in action and conduct. The code reflects the company's values ​​and is based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact regarding human rights, labour law, the environment and anti-corruption. Within Magnolia Bostad, there is zero tolerance for bribery and corruption and the company's code of conduct contains clear guidelines and requirements against this. The Code of Conduct is included as part of the introductory training for new employees and has been an appendix to the employment contracts since the autumn of 2017. 
Code of conduct internal (in Swedish)
Code of conduct for partners (in Swedish)
Code of conduct for sponsoring (in Swedish)

Whistle blower function
Whistle blower function (in Swedish) 

Financial responsibility
Financial responsibility is important to work for sustainable profitable growth and enable the allocation of capital for sustainable properties. It is also crucial in achieving the goals of Agenda 2030, the Paris Agreement and a sustainable transition. Magnolia Bostad’s financial responsibility means working for sustainable profitable growth and value for our owners. Magnolia Bostad does this, among other things, through a broad portfolio of housing types, which reduces the company’s risk. We want to create neighbourhoods and meeting places that are developed in such a way that they contribute to the economic growth and well-being of the area. We work in close dialogue with the community and other stakeholders. 

Through our green bonds, we increase transparency and facilitate the allocation of capital for sustainable properties.
Magnolia Bostad´s Green Bonds


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